Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Law Of Attraction - Where To Start For Success by Charles Burke

To make a start toward success, you need two things.

First, you need to identify what's in your life now that you want to be rid of. Second, you need to know what you want to replace it with.

1. What you don't want -- that's where you are now.

2. What you do want -- that's where you want to be.

Once you have these two things clearly settled in your mind, you're ahead of the vast majority of the world. Just as an experiment, sometime, go around asking people what they want, or what they want to do with their life. You'll get "I don't know" 97 or 98 times out of a hundred.
However, if you're one of those who isn't quite sure what you want, don't despair. Discovering your desires isn't all that hard to do.

Let's start with where you are now. What is it about your current life that really irritates you? Not enough money? Too many bills? Health problems? No love life? Somebody bossing you around all the time?

Whatever it is that's making your life uncomfortable, I've got some good news. We're going to take those money problems or the love problems or the health problems, and we're going to find a positive use for them.

Instead of letting those problem always use YOU, you're going to learn you to get some positive use out of THEM for a change.

The way we do that is simple. Use your "don't wants" as a launching pad. Say something like "This is where I am, and I don't want to be here. I want to find my way to a better place."
If you know exactly how you want your life to improve, write it down. That's your target. If you're not sure yet, do this. Take the way your life is now, and describe your main problem, the one you want to be rid of. Then start changing the description.

Let's say your problem is a lack of respect from co-workers and family. Write out a description of the exact opposite condition, if somehow your problem were miraculously changed. If you're not accustomed to thinking in terms of goals and proactive change, this can be a shortcut to defining what you want.

For more information on how to shape your future, download the free PDF report "It's All Good Luck - Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at

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